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Lawyer Feng Haibin from Shanghai Landing(Shenzhen) Law Offices Elected as the Vice President of the Fifth Guangdong Huangpu Customs Declaration Association"

Translator:Zhang Xiaotong


On July 5, 2023, the Guangdong Huangpu Customs Declaration Association held the fifth members' representative conference and "Haolian Technology" customs high-quality development forum at Dongguan Exhibition Hotel. Nearly 400 representatives of member companies and related guests attended the conference. Leaders from Huangpu Customs, Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Huangpu District Bureau of Commerce, Dongguan Municipal Bureau of Commerce, China Customs Association, and customs declaration associations across the Pan-Pearl River Delta and other friendly business associations were invited to attend the meeting.


In the first phase of the meeting, the fourth council and supervisors reported their work to the conference. According to the election method of the fifth member representative conference passed by the conference, the fifth council, board of supervisors, president, vice president, secretary-general, chairman of supervisors, and supervisors were all directly elected by all attendees through anonymous voting procedures.


Lawyer Feng Haibin, senior partner of Shanghai Landing (Shenzhen) Law Offices, was elected vice president. Nearly 400 representatives of member companies attending the conference expressed their trust and entrustment to the association and Lawyer Feng Haibin with their directly elected votes.


In the second phase of the meeting, Lawyer Feng Haibin, as the newly elected vice president, presided over the forum session.


Mr. Zheng Juntian, professor and doctoral supervisor at the University of International Business and Economics, former dean of the School of Public Management, director of the Customs Research Center, and secretary-general of the National Customs Vocational Education Teaching Guidance Committee, shared the theme of "Customs Digitalization - From the Perspective of High-level Rule Opening." Mr. Li Fan, Regional Customs Director of ZTE, shared the theme of "Customs Digitalization and Application of Preferential Origin." Mr. Gao Yuming, CTO of Guangzhou Haolian Information Technology Co., Ltd., shared the theme of "Enterprise Industrial Chain Digital Transformation and Upgrade" in the third topic.


In the subsequent roundtable meeting session, Mr. Ge Liancheng, Vice President of the China Customs Association, Ms. Shi Mingli, Chief Customs Expert of ZTE, Mr. Zheng Juntian, professor and doctoral supervisor at the University of International Business and Economics, and Mr. Zheng Jie, re-elected President of Huangpu Customs Declaration Association, respectively shared and exchanged topics from the perspectives of top-level design of the customs declaration industry, multinational corporations, vocational schools, and customs declaration enterprises, around the theme of customs talent construction and development.


The successful convening of the Fifth Member Representative Conference of the Guangdong Huangpu Customs Declaration Association cannot be separated from the attention, participation, and support of member companies and all sectors of society. Lawyer Feng Haibin said that he will do everything possible, strive to fulfill the trust and support of the association and member companies, make due contributions to the industry, and together with the new council team, bring their own strengths to bear to help take the work of the association to a new level.

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