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LANDING Lawyer Tian Jie Successfully Admitted to IAFL, Becoming the Third Lawyer Member in Mainland China

Translator:Jiang Wenyu


Mr. Tian Jie, Senior Partner of the Family and Wealth Inheritance Department of Shanghai Landing Law Offices, was recently admitted as a "Fellow" member by the International Academy of Family Lawyers (“IAFL”). He is the third Fellow from mainland China that the organization has recruited.


IAFL, as a non-profit organization registered in the United States, plays a broad international collaborative role among all practicing attorneys engaged in family business on a global scale. Members of the organization are recognized by their peers as being among the most experienced and professional lawyers practicing in their countries. Membership usually requires the recommendation and invitation of existing members, and will be accepted by the Election Committee after a strict selection process. Up to now, IAFL has only nearly 1,000 members from 67 countries and regions around the world.


Mr. Tian Jie has more than 15 years of experience in the field of cross-border family matters, mainly helping domestic and foreign clients to deal with cross-border marriages, such as drafting matrimonial property agreements when getting married, drafting divorce agreements or acting as a representative in international divorce litigation; and at the same time, helping overseas clients to deal with cross-border inheritance and estate planning, such as drafting wills and setting up family trusts, etc. He is familiar with all aspects of domestic and foreign family matters as well as the basic family legal systems of major extra-territorial countries and regions, such as marriage and inheritance, and on this basis, comprehensively utilizes the legal systems of corporate law, insurance, foreign exchange, cross-border investment and taxation to provide clients with a full range of non-litigation and litigation family legal services.


The opportunity to join IAFL is that Mr. Tian Jie cooperated with his French counterparts in a cross-border divorce case to provide legal services for the client. The French lawyers were impressed by Mr. Tian's excellent professionalism and cross-cultural communication skills, and actively recommended Mr. Tian to join IAFL. After 7 months, Mr. Tian Jie finally received his IAFL membership certificate. In the future, Mr. Tian Jie will continue to work hard and contribute to the field of cross-border family affairs.

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