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The “Global Entrepreneurship Competition for Foreigners Shanghai Division” was successfully held at Landing International Legal Building

On May 18, 2024, the “Global Entrepreneurship Competition for Foreigners Shanghai Division” was successfully held at Landing International Legal Building. This competition was guided by the Zhejiang Business Research Institute (China Huashang Business Research Institute), organized by IHatoo Chinese/Zhejiang SME Association, and co-organized by Landing Law Offices and the China AIGC Industry Alliance.

Mr. Zhu Min, President of IHatoo Chinese Online Academy/Executive Vice President of Zhejiang Overseas Chinese Communication Promotion Association, and Rose Li, Senior Partner of Landing Law offices and Director of the International Investment and Trade Department, delivered opening speeches and keynote addresses. President Zhu Min analyzed the Chinese entrepreneurial environment, the market potential of AIGC, the unique advantages and challenges faced by international students, and prospects for the future from five dimensions, introducing the opportunities and challenges of AIGC entrepreneurship for international students.

Rose Li emphasized that this competition was not just a contest between teams but a unique exchange platform that stimulated participants' imagination, cultivated innovative thinking, and fostered friendships, allowing participants to gain valuable experience during the process. She pointed out that entrepreneurship is not just about establishing a business, it requires teamwork, an inclusive attitude, and a spirit of continuous learning. Entrepreneurs need to have an open mindset, be willing to accept new things, challenge traditions, promote innovation, and embrace positive change to face contemporary challenges and create new opportunities.

This competition selected six outstanding project teams for on-site presentations, focusing on cutting-edge technology fields such as AI driving systems, elderly companion systems, medical robots, patient rehabilitation robots, sign language translation robots, and AI fashion models. To ensure the professionalism and authority of the competition, five renowned industry experts were invited to form a judging panel to evaluate and score the projects. The five judges were Dr. Kishore, a big data and AI expert from Huawei, Shan Yilin, a firmware development engineer from Intel, Ying Weiping, Chairman of Xunshi International, Yu Benjun, Senior Partner of Landing Law Offices, and Liu Yanbo, a senior engineer at the China Automotive Engineering Society.

The China AIGC Industry Alliance and Landing Law Offices meticulously planned and organized two panel discussion, focusing on "AIGC Entrepreneurship for International Students" and "Legal and Regulatory Guidelines for Foreign-invested Enterprises" respectively. At the AIGC Industry Alliance's panel discussion round, Mr. Gu Qing, co-founder of China AIGCxShanghai, posed targeted questions based on the specific research areas and directions of several technical experts. Subsequently, the participating experts engaged in heated discussions on the development trends of the AI industry, introducing the latest industry dynamics, potential challenges, and future prospects to the guests and international students.

At the legal compliance forum organized by Landing Law Offices, lawyer Rose Li served as the host and invited Tang Xiang, Senior Partner and Deputy Director of the International Investment and Trade Department of Landing Law Offices, Professor Xie Dan, Distinguished Researcher at the International Law School of East China University of Political Science and Law, lawyer Zhao Tianjiao of Landing Law Offices, and international student representative Christine Chen from East China Normal University and Waqas Ahmad from Shanghai Jiao Tong University to participate in the discussion. The forum focused on the legal compliance issues faced by foreign-invested enterprises in China, with experts sharing their professional insights and providing practical advice and compliance strategies based on specific cases to address the legal challenges that international students might encounter during their entrepreneurial journey in China(Especially in the field of AIGC).

The runner-up of this competition was the outstanding team led by Ruby Lim, which developed a patient rehabilitation robot. This project targets elderly people in China and addresses the current pain point of lower limb mobility issues among the elderly. They successfully designed a healthcare robot that can assist in muscle movement training and repair patient injuries based on the patient's condition, thereby improving their quality of life.

The team led by Maxwell won first prize with their "Gesture Real-Time Translation System." The team recognized the significant communication barriers faced by individuals with hearing impairments and aimed to create a barrier-free communication environment through technological means. Their "Gesture Real-Time Translation System" has been successfully applied in real-world scenarios such as the Baoshan Community Service Center and the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games, demonstrating remarkable results. This robot can accurately recognize gestures and provide real-time translation with high precision and responsiveness.

Taking advantage of this competition, the Global Association for the Advancement of International Students in China (GAAISC) was officially launched, with strong support from Landing Law Offices. Together, they established an International Legal Assistance Hotline, aiming to provide more convenient and professional legal services to international students and businessmen in China. This initiative is intended to help students better understand and adapt to the Chinese legal environment and to protect their legal rights.

Moreover, young lawyer representatives from Landing Law Offices, including Hu Hong, Zhao Tianjiao, Yang Jiyu, and Li Xing, engaged with numerous international students on-site. Through dialogues and interview, they gained an in-depth understanding of the students’ legal service needs in China and providing valuable legal advice accordingly.

The successful holding of this competition represents the first strategic cooperation between Shanghai Landing Law offices and institutions such as IHatoo Chinese and China AIGC Industry Alliance, which has opened up broader exploration space for overseas students' entrepreneurship and foreign-related legal services in China.

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