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[Congratulations] Landing Lanzhou Successfully Appointed as the Administrator for Corporate Bankruptcy Cases in Gansu Province

Translator:Wang Yichun


Shanghai Landing (Lanzhou) Law Offices, also known as Landing Lanzhou, was recently officially chosen by the Gansu Province Higher People's Court to serve as the administrator for corporate bankruptcy cases.







About the Role of the Administrator in Corporate Bankruptcy Cases


An administrator in bankruptcy cases is a specialized entity that, under the court's direction and oversight, assumes full control over bankruptcy assets. The administrator is responsible for the custody, assessment, valuation, handling, and distribution of these assets.


The task of managing and liquidating bankruptcy assets is complex and demanding. Courts typically delegate this role to qualified law offices, accounting firms, or bankruptcy liquidation firms, reflecting their high level of professional capability and service quality.





About Shanghai Landing (Lanzhou) Law Offices


Established in early 2019, Shanghai Landing (Lanzhou) Law Offices operates in Lanzhou, a significant city along the "Belt and Road". The founding partners of the Lanzhou branch possess specialized expertise and extensive practical experience.

The Lanzhou branch consists of nearly 40 senior partners, consultants, practicing lawyers, legal assistants, and administrative staff. including three lawyers with doctoral degrees and three lawyers with master's degrees. Specialized teams focus on areas such as construction engineering & real estate, environment & resources, banking & finance, criminal defense, and other dispute resolution areas. They adhere to a working model where the partner lawyer takes primary responsibility, with assisting lawyers providing support.





Landing Lanzhou's contact information is provided below, and inquiries from all sectors of society are welcome.


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