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Landing Law Offices Successfully Hosts a Seminar on "Attorney Practices and Risk Prevention in Corporate Bankruptcy Legal Affairs"

Translator:Zhang Xiaotong


On June 30, 2023, Attorney Xia Ling, a senior partner of Shanghai Landing Law Offices, was invited by the Landing National Dispute Resolution Professional Committee to deliver a specialized lecture titled "Attorney Practices and Risk Prevention in Corporate Bankruptcy Legal Affairs." The seminar was moderated by Attorney Wu Bin, a senior partner of Landing Law Offices and the director of the Landing National Dispute Resolution Committee.


During the lecture, Attorney Xia provided a comprehensive review of the overall development trends in bankruptcy cases in recent years, delving deep into the underlying reasons. She shared with fellow attorneys the practical issues and technical essentials when engaging in bankruptcy cases, walking them through the basic procedures of bankruptcy case handling. Furthermore, drawing from her extensive experience as a bankruptcy administrator, Attorney Xia offered professional insights and advice for lawyers handling bankruptcy-related cases.


Following the lecture, Attorney Xia engaged in a Q&A session, discussing and exchanging views with colleagues who attended the seminar.


Given the topical relevance of the seminar to current hot issues in bankruptcy, the event received a warm response. The lecture was simultaneously conducted offline and broadcasted online, attracting over 1,100 viewers online.

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