
安哥拉法律中对于企业相应的税务责任在《工业税法》(“Industrial Tax Code”)、《所得税法》(“Labor Income Tax Code”)以及《一般税法》(“General Tax Code”)中有明确的规定,并明确规定了不履行相关义务的法律后果。
《安哥拉工业税法》 Law no. 4/19 of April 18, 2014
Article 75 Breach of Reporting Obligations[4]
第75条 违反报告义务
Failure to submit any tax return, or its delivery after the expiry of its legal term, subjects the offender to a fine of Kz 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand Kwanzas) for Group B taxpayers who submit Declaration Model 2 and Kz 800,000.00 (eight hundred thousand Kwanzas) for taxpayers of Groups A and B who present Declaration Model 1 for each year of non-compliance, regardless of the delivery of the tax due, and not collected, as a result of the transgression practiced, without prejudice to external inspection.
未提交纳税申报表,或在法定期限届满后提交,应当就当年的违规行为对提交模式2纳税申报的 B 组纳税人处以200,000.00(贰拾万)宽扎的罚款,对提交模式1纳税申报的 A 组和 B 组纳税人处以800,000.00 (捌拾万)宽扎的罚款,不论其是否已经在违规程序中缴纳了应缴税款,且不影响外部检查。
Refusal to display or deliver books and other bookkeeping elements provided for in this Code or illegitimate refusal of access to the taxpayer's premises is punished with a fine of Kz 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand Kwanzas) for taxpayers of Grupo B and Kz 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand Kwanzas) for Group A taxpayers.
拒绝出示或交付本法规定的会计账簿和其他记账要素或非法拒绝检查人员进入纳税人的经营场所,应当对B组纳税人处以 100,000.00 (壹拾万)宽扎的罚款,对A组纳税人处以 200,000.00(贰拾万)宽扎的罚款。
The amount of the fine to be applied is doubled when there is intent in the practice of the acts referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this article.
They are presumed to be fraudulent:
a)Commencement of activity without the competent registration in the General Taxpayers Register;
b) Failure to submit the declarations referred to in articles 51 and 58 of this Code;
c) Inaccurate statements about the cessation of the exercise of the activity.
a) 未在一般纳税人登记册中进行合法登记即开展活动;
b) 未提交本法第 51 条和第 58 条所述的声明;
c) 关于停止活动的不准确陈述。
《安哥拉所得税法》 Law no. 18/14 of October 22, 2014
Article 28 Delay in bookkeeping and declaration[5]
第28条 迟延记账和申报
Paragraph 2. After the period of 30 (thirty) days provided for in the previous paragraph has expired, the Tax Administration notifies the taxpayer to regularize his writing and present the declaration within the period of the subsequent 30 (Thirty) days with the commission of, if he fails to do so, is subject to an additional fine of Kz 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand Kwanzas)
第2段。在前项规定的 30(三十)天期限届满后,税务局将通知纳税人在随后的 30(三十)天内规范其记账并进行申报,若未能按照前述进行补充申报的,将对其处以100,000.00(壹拾万)宽扎的追加罚款。
《安哥拉一般税法》 Law no. 21/ 14 of October 22, 2014
Article 198 No Delivery of Document[6]
第198条 文件提交
Paragraph 2. It is punished with a fine of Kz 10,000.00 (ten thousand Kwanzas) to Kz 50,000.00 (fifty thousand Kwanzas) for failure to deliver or delivery after the declaration deadline the document required by virtue of the rule in force or at the request of the competent Tax Administration under the principle of collaboration.
第2段。未按现行规定或未按照主管税务机关提供协作的要求在规定的申报期限提交文件,或在规定的期限外提交申报,将处以10,000.00(壹万)宽扎至 50,000.00(伍万)宽扎的罚款。
安哥拉一般税法 Law no. 21/ 14 of October 22, 2014
第172条 税务欺诈
Whoever, with a view to non-liquidation, delivery or payment of a tax benefit, falsifies, vice documents or incurs in simulating a legal act or business and has obtained, by virtue of falsification, tampering or simulation, an illegitimate patrimonial advantage is punished with penalty imprisonment from 6 (six) months to 3 (three) years or a fine of up to 360 (three hundred and sixty) days.
2.Tax fraud can take place by:
a) Concealment or alteration of facts or values that must appear in the accounting books or bookkeeping, or declarations presented or rendered so that the tax administration specifically supervises, determines, evaluates or controls the taxable amount;
b) Concealment of undeclared facts or values that must be revealed to the tax administration;
c) Execution of a simulated transaction, whether in terms of value, nature, or interposition, omission or substitution of persons.
a) 隐瞒或更改应当在会计账簿中、做出或提交的税务申报中列明的事项或金额,以便税务机关专门监督、确定、评估或控制应纳税额;
b) 隐瞒应当向税务机关披露的未申报事项或金额;
c) 通过虚拟金额、性质或人为干预、遗漏或替换等形式进行虚拟交易。
The facts provided for in the previous numbers are not criminally punishable if the illegitimate patrimonial advantage is less than Kz 1,500,000.00. (one million five hundred thousand Kwanzas)
The values to be considered, for the purposes of the provisions of the previous paragraphs, are those that, under the terms of the applicable legislation, must be included in each declaration to be submitted to the Tax Administration.
Article 173 Qualified Tax Fraud[8]
第173条 附条件的税务欺诈
1. The facts provided for in the previous article are punishable by imprisonment from 1 (one) to 5 (five) years for natural persons and a fine of 240 (two hundred and forty) to 1,200 (one thousand and two hundred) days for legal persons , when there is an accumulation of more than one of the following circumstances:
a) If the agent has colluded with third parties who are subject to ancillary obligations for the purposes of tax inspection;
b) The agent is a public official and has seriously abused his/her functions;
c) The agent has resorted to the assistance of the public official with serious abuse of his functions;
d) The agent falsifies or falsifies, hides, destroys, disables or refuses to deliver, display or present books, programs or computer files and any other documents or evidence required by the Tax Law;
e) The agent uses the books or any other elements referred to in the previous paragraph knowing that they are forged or addicted by third parties:
f) The interposition of natural or legal persons residing outside the Angolan territory and subject to a clearly more favorable tax regime has been used;
g) The agent has colluded with third parties with whom he has a special relationship.
1. 针对前条规定中的事项,同时有一项以上下列情形的,将对自然人处以1(壹)至5(伍)年的监禁,对法人处以 240(贰佰肆拾)至 1200(壹仟贰佰)天的罚金:
a) 代理与负有税务检查附属义务的第三方勾结;
b) 代理是公职人员,且严重滥用职权的;
c) 代理寻求公职人员严重滥用职权给予其帮助的;
d) 代理伪造、隐匿、销毁、停用或拒绝交付、展示或呈交账簿、程序或计算机文件以及税法要求的任何其他文件或证据;
e) 代理明知第三方伪造或损坏的情形下,仍使用前述提及的账簿或任何其他元素:
f) 利用居住在安哥拉境外且适用明显更优惠的税收制度的自然人或法人身份的;
g) 代理和与其有特殊关系的第三方勾结。
The same penalty is applicable when the fraud takes place through the use of invoices or equivalent documents, for non-existent operations or for different amounts or with the intervention of persons or entities other than those of the underlying operation.
The facts provided for in subparagraphs d) and e) of paragraph 1 of this article, with the purpose defined in paragraph 1 of the previous article, are not automatically punishable, unless they are subject to a more serious penalty.
本条第 1 款 d) 项和 e) 项规定的情形,若同时具有前条第1款规定的目的的,除非符合应当受到更严重处罚的情形,否则不会自动处罚。
The maximum limit referred to in paragraph 1 of this article is extended to 5 (five) years if the undue equity advantage exceeds Kz 5,000,000.00 (five million Kwanzas) and the fine of 240 (two hundred and forty) to Kz 1,400 (one thousand four hundred) days for legal entities.
If the undue asset advantage exceeds Kz 20,000,000.00 (twenty million Kwanzas) the penalty is imprisonment from 2 (two) to 8 (eight) years for individuals and a fine of 480 (four hundred and eighty) to 1,920 (one thousand nine hundred and twenty) days for legal persons.
若取得的非法收益超过20,000,000.00(贰仟万)宽扎,将对自然人处以2(贰)至8(捌)年的监禁,对法人处以 480(肆佰捌拾)至 1,920(壹仟玖佰贰拾)天的罚金。
根据以上的规定,所有在安哥拉正常存续的公司都有义务每年向AGT(General Tax Administration,安哥拉税务管理机关)报告其活动情况,进行纳税申报。即使公司在相关财年中没有开展任何活动,这项义务仍然存在。只有根据法律规定向AGT申报停止经营活动的公司才可以豁免其报告义务。企业不履行年度纳税申报义务包括未在期限内提交、在期限外提交、拒绝提交主管人员现场检查等情形,只要企业实施了以上任何一种行为,即构成税务违法。

[4] Law no. 4/19 of April 18, 2014, Article 75 Breach of Reporting Obligations.
[5] Law no. 18/14 of October 22, 2014, Article 28 Paragraph 2 Delay in bookkeeping and declaration.
[6] Law no. 21/ 14 of October 22, 2014, Article 198 Paragraph 2 No Delivery of Document.
[7] Law no. 21/ 14 of October 22, 2014, Article 172 Tax Fraud.
[8] Law no. 21/ 14 of October 22, 2014, Article 173 Tax Fraud.